Poco Hello World

In this tutorial we will create Poco Project, add it to our Poco Repo,
for this we will use simple nginx to serve our source html.

Step 1: Init Git Repository

Before we start lets init git repository:

$:~ mkdir poco-hello-world
$:~ cd poco-hello-world
$:~ git init

Step 2: Add source files

When git repository is ready lets add some source files to our project first,
so we will be able to see that our ngnix server is workink correctly.
Create index.html file inside /source/www folder:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Hello World!</title>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>

Step 3: Configure Docker Compose

We recommend to split docker-compose files by services (one file - one service),
this will help to make project more flexible.
Create dc-nginx.yaml file inside /docker folder and map our source folder:

version: '3'

image: nginx:alpine
- 80:80
- ../source/www:/var/www

Step 4: Configure Nginx server

Let’s adjust a little bit our nginx server so it better suit to our needs.
Create nginx.conf file in /docker/config:

events {
worker_connections 4096; ### Default: 1024

http {
server {
root /var/www;

location / {

To tell our nginx server to use our config file we need to map it in our /dockder/dc-nginx.yaml file:

version: '3'

image: nginx:alpine
- 80:80
- ./config/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
- ../source/www:/var/www

Step 5: Configure Poco Project

When docker compose is ready we can add it to our poco.yaml:

version: '1.0'

- docker/dc-nginx.yaml

Step 6: Check your project

Finally we can check our project:

$:~ poco up

Open “http://localhost" in your browser, if everything is ok you should see “Hello World!”.

Step 7: Create Poco Repo

Create remote git repository on Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket, add it to your local Poco config:

$:~ poco repo add default https://git-repository-url

If everything is ok you should see something like this:

Actual config
Project name: None
Working directory: /Users/username/workspace
Mode: None
Offline: False
Always update: True
Config location: /Users/username/.poco/config
repositoryType: git
server: https://git-repository-url

Step 8: Add your project to your Poco Repo

Now we can add our project to Poco Repo, run this command in root folder of the project:

$:~ poco project add . default

When your project is added you can publish your Poco Repo:

$:~ poco repo push

Poco Hello World Example Project

You can try Poco Hello World Example project. Just add Poco Repo:

$:~ poco repo add poco-examples git@github.com:shiwaforce/poco-examples.git

List out all available projects:

$:~ poco project ls

Run Poco Hello World Project:

$:~ poco up poco-example-hello-world